Download and install

Cardpeek can be installed on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and even Mac OS X with a little extra effort. The latest version is always available from github.

For MS Windows

Cardpeek is designed to work on Windows XP and 7 (both 32 and 64 bits). It should also work on Windows 8, though this has not been tested.


If you feel adventurous, you may also compile Cardpeek from source on a Windows Mingw platform, using the dedicated Makefile Makefile.win32 provided in the Linux tarball referenced below.

For Linux

Cardpeek can be compiled from source following the instructions below. Some Linux distributions now also include a package for Cardpeek, which is even easier to install. Cardpeek has been reported to work on 32 and 64 bit Intel platforms and on some ARM platforms such as the Raspberry Pi (Raspbian).

Instructions for compiling from source:

  1. Make sure you have the necessary prerequiste tools:
    • C Development tools, including a C compiler (gcc or clang) and make.
    • The development version of the following libraries:
      • libgtk+ 3.0, version 3.5.4 or above (
      • libglib 2.0, version 2.32 or above.
      • liblua 5.2 (
      • libpcsclite (
      • libssl (
      • libcurl (
      • iconv (usually provided by default)
      • libreadline 6
  2. Download the Linux source code tarball cardpeek-0.8.4.tar.gz [openpgp signature].
  3. On the command line, unzip and untar the source tarball and switch to the source directory:
    • tar zxvf cardpeek-0.8.4.tar.gz
    • cd cardpeek-0.8.4/
  4. Type ./configure
  5. Type make
  6. If everything worked well, you should be able to launch Cardpeek by typing ./cardpeek.
  7. As root, execute make install to finalize the installation of Cardpeek on your system.
Tip: On Debian, the required libraries described in step 1 are packaged with a name that ends with the -dev suffix. For example, for liblua-5.2, you need to install the package liblua-5.2-0-dev or similar.

For Mac OS X

An experimental pre-packaged version of cardpeek now exists for OSX: Download, unzip and run the application bundle directly or copy it in your Application folder.

Cardpeek should compile on Mac OS X following the same steps outlined for Linux. Note however that this requires setting up the correct development environment and an X11 server (Xquartz).

Cardpeek has notably been successfully compiled under Mac OS X Lion (10.7.5) with the following tools/environment:

  1. Xcode 4.6.2 Command Line Tools.
  2. Homebrew (, used to install all the necessary libraries.
  3. XQuartz (

With homebrew you will typically have to install some libraries as follows:
brew install glib
brew install gtk+3
brew install curl
brew install homebrew/versions/lua52
brew install lua
Before compiling cardpeek, you will need to make sure PKG_CONFIG_PATH is appropriately configured:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig
Finally, you should be able to compile Cardpeek by issuing ./configure followed by make, as described above for Linux.

For FreeBSD

Compiling Cardpeek for FreeBSD follows the same process as for linux, with one minor difference. You will likely need to replace ./configure by:

ICONV_LIBS="-l iconv" ./configure

From GitHub

For the latest updates, the cardpeek GIT repository is available here: Or directly grab the latest build:

git clone
You will need to run autoreconf -fi to generate the ./configure script, which is not included in the SVN.

Gabi Thu, 24 Sep 2015 13:29:02 +0200
Hello, I have cloned the repo. I have run autoreconf -fi, and the result was: error: required file './README' not found autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1
L1L1 Thu, 24 Sep 2015 15:23:58 +0200
@gabi This should be fixed now. Try to clone again, or simply copy the file to README.
zhende Sat, 06 Jun 2020 11:04:51 +0200
Manoj Kumar Tue, 16 Nov 2021 14:39:04 +0100
Hello sir i can load you software again sir
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